Tips for Internet Marketing:- Header Tags and HTML

Internet marketing tip: header tags Most of us who have been around Internet marketing for any length of time understand that to receive any amount of search engine traffic there are some basic (SEO) search engine optimization rules that need to be followed to be successful. Search engine optimization is a set of rules that search engines use to determine what websites will be listed when search terms or phrases are typed in. I am not about to explain, or attempt to tell you how mathematically these rules are constructed, because quite frankly they change constantly. for more details visit to Essentially, the closer you are to the “magic” rules the more traffic you will receive. However there are some Internet marketing tips that seem to be always constant with the search engines.

I would like to show you a internet marketing tip that is a excellent tool to pinpoint important information on your webpage or blog post. Header tags are used in the actual page detail or within the blog post. The header tag should be placed in your page or blog post where the most important information starts. if you look above, you see “Internet marketing tip: header tags”,which is the start of this article about header tags. The html for this header would have a h1 enclosed in in the front of the phrase placed right before the “I”, and a /h1 enclosed in placed at the back right after the “s.”

Header tags essentially tell the search engines what the most important part of the page is. You will want to take great care to make sure you are using header tags appropriately. To create a header tag, just enclose whatever phrase you choose with the following tags h1 enclosed in , and /h1 enclosed in . for more details visit to Make sure you are creating a post with HTML:) If the main theme of your page is “Internet marketing tip: header tags” (like above) you would have a h1 enclosed in at the front , and /h1 enclosed in placed at the back.

You can also use varying levels of header tags throughout your post, changing the number from 1-5. You will only want to use h1 enclosed in at the front , and /h1 enclosed in placed at the back once, but you can use the others to varying degrees. such as for example: h2 enclosed in at the front , and /h2 enclosed in placed at the back the phrase right if you had a special paragraph that was importance to single out of the article. Notice that you never use the same number in the enclosed tags.

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