What About LGN Prosperity – Little Guy Network?

The latest buzz on the internet is about something called LGN Prosperity – Little Guy Network. This service presents itself as a network of internet marketing little guys who have gotten together in an effort to collectively be able to compete with the big players in the world of marketing products and services online. By banding together, they can have the collective clout to succeed online.

On the surface, it seems like a great idea. Money is the biggest stumbling block for so many people trying to make a buck online. You have to pay for virtually every kind of advertising these days. It’s all about pay per click, pay for space and pay for everything else. Without money to pay for advertising, you don’t seem to stand much chance anymore.

You can’t very well pay for something if you don’t have any money and you won’t have any money to pay for further advertising until you have earned something from your website. It’s a Catch 22 situation. When somebody tells you they’re in the same boat as you and offers you an alternative, it’s hard not to be tempted to join them.

It all makes sense until you look more closely. Then the whole thing looks like just one more MLM or Pyramid scheme. You pay your sponsor for the opportunity to join the program. They in turn tell you that you will make money yourself by getting new recruits. It turns out that the products you are given to sell don’t count for much in terms of income potential.

That’s all fine if the program goes on indefinitely and everybody makes some money from each other. The problem is that it can’t sustain itself that way forever. Eventually you end up fighting for recruits with many others who are supposed to be your support team. The whole system crumbles under the weight and almost everybody comes away empty handed.

As everybody knows, “pyramid” is a dirty word in the internet marketing world. Those who defend LGN’s argue that they are not pyramid schemes because they have actual products to sell. Some people who have joined in these systems say they are happy with them because they have made money online with them.

Something that often gets overlooked, however, is the fact that many successful internet marketers started out by enlisting in similar programs. They got their first network of fellow entrepreneurs through internet marketing schemes like this and they got a lot of experience in the process as well.

If you have absolutely no idea where to begin, but want to make money online, starting with something like LGN may not be such a bad idea. As long as you can easily afford your initial investment and don’t mind putting in some work, you may find that you learn much from the experience. Later, when you have your own product or service to sell, you can consider your experience as part of your learning curve.

If you’re thinking of starting with LGN Prosperity, the time is now. While everything that’s being said about it isn’t good, it’s still getting a lot of attention. Exposure online is what you need. Grab it while it’s hot!

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