One of the biggest expenditures when you go to college is probably one that you haven’t given a great deal of thought to, and that is the textbooks. You can go to a store and buy a book for, say, $150. You take exceptional care of it then go back to the store to sell it back and they offer you a paltry $25.
You can bet your bottom dollar that if you return to that same store next semester your book will be there with a used price on it of around $120. This is a game the student will never win so it’s pointless even trying. So the way to go is to sell your book online, there are always new students looking for a bargain and you will get a much better return than you would ever get from a book store.
The two biggest places to sell your book on is eBay or Amazon. eBay will charge a small percentage for selling it and this is calculated depending on the price that it goes for.
When you list your book on Amazon, they will set a fee depending on how much you have listed your book for, you only pay this fee if it sells. Amazon shows up really well on search engines which drives more traffic and subsequently more possible buyers.
There is a lot of online snobbery and many buy from Amazon for the name, not realizing they are buying from an individual.
You may want to try your luck on a public forum to avoid the fees, but there is a major possibility that you will be offered less than you would on one of the auction sites, even after the fee is deducted. Trust plays a major part on these sites too, and if you are a first time seller people will be reluctant to pay out money.
The best thing about Amazon and eBay is their members ratings so you know you are buying from a reputable seller, most of the forums don’t have these.
Getting your money is very easy if you have PayPal. This is very simple to set up and use and is also very secure. A fee of 3% is normal for the transaction but is worth it to ensure you get your money.
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