One really good thing about technology is how it was able to make the world a lot smaller through improved means of communication.
The invention of the e-mail is really very revolutionary however, there are a few problems linked to it as well.
We may correspond with important people through e-mail but the only problem is that a few people have tapped into this and made it extremely inconvenient for us.
Spam now totals 80 to 85% of the entire number of emails sent worldwide. This means that we often get flooded by unsolicited emails that we neither want nor need.
A number of programs have been developed in order to filter one’s inbox of spam and separate those from the pile of emails that you really want to receive.
There are so many anti-spam programs out in the market now, but if you really want to find the best ones you’ll have to go through a number of softwares.
Spam Bully is the newest anti-spam program from the Bayesian spam filters. Spam Bully is a program that is developed for different outlook and outlook users who are having experiencing problems with spam and what their inboxes to be filtered.
Targeting a specific market is the company’s way of being competitive.
What I particularly like about Spam Bully is that it can mark e-mails as spam or not based on how you would mark these e-mails. It doesn’t follow its own standards of what spam is but rather it follows yours.
When you mark your e-mails as spam or not, it will be able to track the pattern you make and learn from it.
Downloading Spam Bully won’t take you that long as the it is only a 4.5mb file. However, the download speed ultimately depends on your internet connection.
The installation process is basically seamless but do not be surprised if the program asks to look around your software for a few seconds to “optimize”.
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