Lure Traffic with an Internet Article Marketing Strategy

There are numerous sources that provide information on internet article marketing. The main reason for this is that nearly anyone in internet marketing and SEO circles now know the real power that articles hold when it comes to pulling in traffic. You might be interested in executing this basic strategy to make use of your articles.

All SEO strategies begin with making a website with several pages in it. You know more than anyone else what kind of website and information that you would want to provide. It should be obvious though that you will make your life easier if you pick a topic that you are an authority in.

When you’ve picked a topic, you can move on with placing information in it. You can have one general topic but it’s important to pick specific sub topics for each of your pages. Regardless of the sub topic you will write about, make sure you provide only fresh and helpful insights. If you don’t search engine robots and real human readers will snub your site. It’s still vital to stick related keywords into your pages but don’t overdo it. Pick only one or two relevant keywords per page and don’t use them in every paragraph.

The third step is to make one related video for each page on your site and upload them to a video sharing site. Although videos don’t seem to have any relevance to marketing using articles, they will figure prominently at the final stage of this optimization strategy. Also, many online users are highly visual. Videos provide excellent support to your internet article marketing efforts.

Video posting should be followed by more article writing. This second wave of writing however differs from the first wave. Your second batch of articles should still correspond to the topics on your pages. They should however differ in how keywords are used in them. Less stress is placed on choosing and placing specific keywords in the content. Articles in this batch are meant for article directories. What is important here more than ever is article quality.

When you are done writing all your articles, submit each in your second batch to a directory for articles. Take time to write resource boxes well. Depending on the directory you are submitting to, you may be allowed to put one or more links on your resource box pointing to a page that you own. Usually, internet article marketing directories allow a link to your homepage and another page in your site. In some cases, video links may be allowed too. This is where you can start benefitting from your videos. Before you start creating links to them though, check directory rules just to make sure that you are making a legitimate step.

You can’t underestimate the positive side to site promotion with article marketing. If you want to draw even more traffic however, you should explore other ways of building links. Instead of sticking to directory submissions, find individually owned websites that will link back to you.

You can achieve great results with this simple internet article marketing strategy. It’s worth a shot if you don’t have an effective optimization plan yet.

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