You may be looking at a method of personal protection. A stun gun may offer some inexpensive advantages. Here are some to consider.
Personal protection: An electroshock weapon can protect you. Electricity can stun someone and incapacitate them long enough for you to escape danger. You can buy a stun gun in many styles and sizes. When you touch someone with the weapon, it will administer a shock.
Overall safety: These guns are known as non-lethal weapons. They are not designed to kill. Although they employ high voltage, it does no permanent damages. The electric current is distributed within the body. The current is also well below lethal levels. This would prevent harm to unintentional victims. Many such weapons have safety locks. This might prevent accidental discharge.
Weapons of convenience: It is easier to obtain a stun gun, than more lethal weapons like firearms. You will not have to wait days until you receive one. There is no specialized certification or training required. They are legal to carry in many states. You get several uses without recharging. This can be important if you face a situation where you may need to employ it several times. To recharge them, you may only need to plug them into an electrical receptacle. Others may require common, easy to find, batteries. To use these weapons, you point and discharge. Some weapons like sprays, require you to target the eyes or nose. A stun gun gives you a greater chance of using it, in a short amount of time.
Stopping power: You may bring an attacker down suddenly with a shock. This will depend on the length of the shock. It also depends on the amount of voltage applied. You may have as long as fifteen minutes to escape danger, in some cases. A short shock may cause someone to become disoriented. They may also become confused. This can give you time to get away.
Types of guns available
Stronger voltage: Stronger voltage can mean more stopping power. Maybe you want more protection. You might face someone that has a jacket or winter clothing on. You will have a better chance of penetrating with more voltage.
Cell phone weapons: A stun gun can resemble a cell phone. They can be very powerful and easy to carry. It may be more effective than many weapons. If an attacker does not know someone is armed, they can be caught off guard easier. They would not try to duck or dodge a cell phone, until it is too late. Many of these guns also have a dual purpose. You may use them as a flashlight.
Flashlights: Some guns resemble flashlights. They are working flashlights, but double as a protection device. There are very small ones that will fit into the palm of your hand. You could get larger, more powerful ones also. Like the cell phone, an attacker may not know what hit him, until it is too late. Some of these weapons will have a built in personal alarm. This gives another level of protection.
In closing
Stun guns offer a great variety in personal protection and personal safety. They are not expensive. You may be able to repel or disable an attacker. Some come with other features like flashlights and alarms. They are legal to carry in many states
About the Author: Mike Ward is the owner of Protection Depot, a leading distributor of stun guns and pepper spray. For more information about stun guns and other personal security products, please visit Protection Depot.