The demand and the preference for the latest computer games are quite old ones and they are also visible with the demand for different types of games being quite high, irrespective of the genre. The distinction of the games is made on the basis of the genre and, therefore, the difference lies in the form of the game being an action game, an arcade game, a role playing game etc. Every year, there are lots of game releases taking place. While some of them go on to witnessing the released games becoming mega hits and there also some games that just fade away quietly. Game developers follow different themes while creating games and, therefore, there are games which have their own indigenous storylines while there are games that are based on some movie or other. If one is to take examples of games coming under the latter category then there are many games that are about to be released. Some of them are 1.Ice age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs 2.Harry Potter and the half blood prince These are some of the games that have their storylines based on movies, however, there are also games that have their own story lines but seem to have an equally effective ability to entertain. Some of them are: 1.Legio 2.Fallen Earth 3.Delta Force Angel falls Everybody has seen the animation movie Ice Age. The movie : Ice Age :Dawn of the Dinosaurs is the third part of this movie. In the game which has its storyline based on this movie, all the famous characters like the mammoth, the sabre tooth tiger and the rest find themselves in a world which is now inhabited by gigantic dinosaurs. They are so big that even the mammoth is made to feel small. Gamers in the computer game (based on this movie) have a character set of six characters to choose from, while playing. The graphics, the sound effects and the overall game play of this game are all said to be wonderful. This game falls in the action genre and is full of interesting levels along with lots of fearsome dinosaurs and lots of interesting challenges. Another one of the latest computer games is ‘Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince’ and this one is also likely to one of the most effective ‘idle time vanquishers’ to have ever been created. The storyline is based on the movie Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince which in turn is the on-screen adaptation of the novel written by J.K. Rowling. Therefore, this game is not only interesting but is also one of those games which has simple controls and lots of levels. The gameplay in this game is one of the most interesting ones ever with the sounds and the music giving the gamer the feeling of the movie itself. Before, the concept of online shopping had arrived in India, lots of enthusiastic gamers used to flock at all those stores that used to sell video game cartridges etc. However, with the passage of time, two things took place at the same time. The former one was the storage medium of the games having become a CD while the latter one being their purchase point having become an online shopping website. Online shopping in India, is still in its infancy, however, there have been some products that are now being sold using the online platform and one segment of those products is that of games. Therefore, in India, there are many shopping websites that sell all the latest computer games. The number of places from where all the latest computer games can be bought has, therefore, increased. This has led to an increase in the number of choices for the customers. However, it has also opened up a whole new sector of business in the gaming industry in the form of websites selling computer games CDs. Human beings have come to realise the benefits of buying things online and, therefore, the tide of preference is slowly but surely shifting to the online form of purchasing. This is increasing the business potential for most of the websites that sell computer games. Therefore, the fun element involved while playing computer games is now given in an enhanced manner by using the medium of a shopping website.