It usually comes out of nowhere when you start having an IE that won’t connect to the Internet, and if you’re wondering what caused the problem in the first place and how it can be fixed, no problem – you’ve come to the right place. Just read the next few paragraphs, and we’ll show you how simple a process it is for you to solve these problems and other pc errors quickly, effectively, and for (almost) free!
First we need to talk about what is actually causing this type of problem. Overtime, most of us tend to add many applications to our pc, sometimes creating an ‘information overload’ in your system; it’s typically at this point that we may start experiencing problems. You see, one improper software installation/removal has the potential for corrupting one of your windows’ key components, referred to in the computer world as the registry.
If your registry is damaged, it can cause such inconveniences as an IE that won’t connect to the Internet as well as additional irritating errors. What the registry was designed to do is keep a record of your pc’s software and hardware installations and updates, as well as removals. With the installation of an application or an update, the registry records the program’s unique information, such as the software’s location, preferences, and other information. Should that part of the registry become corrupted, then you can expect a variety of computer troubles to come out.
So if you encounter an IE that won’t connect to the Internet, the most important thing to do initially is inspect your registry to try to determine which part causes these problems. That may sound complicated, but you really just need to make use of a specialized registry cleaner; these utilities are specifically designed to scan your registry, locating these problematic areas and finally fixing them for you. It is common for these tools to allow a certain number of no charge registry scans and repairs, thus you can give your registry a thorough check-up and the odds are good that your days of dealing with frustrating error messages will soon be over. Take note: please don’t take a stab at working on the complex registry yourself; it may lead to additional sources of worry.