Satellite: The Satellite Trilogy, Part I

Product Description
“Written in the first person, this book explores a captivating fantasy world in which ‘Schedulers’ are responsible for planning each person’s life in advance.” –Publishers Weekly* (2012 ABNA contest)

“The characters are described well and quickly come to life.” –Amazon Vine Reviewer** (2012 ABNA contest)

“The author’s turn of phrase and use of words, language and dialogue is superb.” –Amazon Vine Reviewer** (2012 ABNA contest)

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Satellite: The Satellite Trilogy, Part I

How can I correct a weak satellite signal .?

I have a Dish Network satellite system with 3 tv’s on it. Why is it that 2 of the tv’s work fine but the 3rd set has an error screen and is always scannig for a satelite. I have a Dish 500. This satelite system was eyed in as far as the aiming of the dish as opposed to having it done with a meter. All 3 sets go out when its raining. TY for your response.