How do you become a video game critic?

I would like to look into a career in writing video game reviews for websites or posting video reviews as a career.

I love video games and I think that it would be a cool job to be a game reviewer

If there is anyone who does this for a living, please answer me.
Also, I do have each system exept for the 360, which I had since it came out and I finally sold it because I went through 9 of them!!!!! But i’ve got a friend who has a 360 and I go over to his house all the time. I also get every popular game when it comes out so I can stay up to date with all the games

How many of you women like video games? What type do you like: Nancy Drew, shooter games, etc. ?

I am curious to see how many women like video games and what type they like.
If you like shooter games, I HIGHLY recommend Bioshock and Bioshock 2. They are VERY original with amazing graphics, and an undeniably awesome storyline that is just screaming to be made into a movie! It actually is supposed to be but I don’t know when it will come out. I cannot wait!