lan technology used in lan (local area network).
In your own words how would you define aand describe technology?
new telephone technology use by life insurance?
research of new telephonic technology used in life insurances
Why is no one seeing that technology is the biggest problem in our economy?
I hate to say it, but I must. I honestly think that technology is one of the biggest killers in our economy today.
The media:
Newspapers, Magazines, News, Television – All killed by their online couterpart, but making way less money on advertising.
P2P file sharing, torrents, etc…Google “watch movies online”, and your first result will let you watch every Golden Globe nominee online instantly. I doubt that’s what the movie industry wants.
Not to mention Netflix and Redbox, which have doomed just about every movie rental business on the face of the earth.
Electronics and Tech industry:
Electrical components are made better, the last longer, they are purchased less, their manufacturers sell less, and resort to ads on their sold products.
Auto Industry:
They last longer, they are more efficient and they are purchased less. This is all before electric cars become mainstream. Which will kill every Jiffy Lube on the block.
The Employee:
Lazy at work, lazy at home, less productive on the job. Less money made.
These are just a few of my examples, but it’s been on my mind lately and it really scares me how much the internet has doomed many businesses and will continue to do so. The scariest part, is that it’s not going anywhere soon, so much jobs will be lost and less money will be spent.
Technology is the demise of today’s present and future economy.
what is the future technology of motorcycles?
future technology in terms of efficiency,looks improvements