Drop shipping and Wholesaling is the process of selling wholesale goods directly to consumers while the supplier takes care of the fulfillment, the shipping, the product quality, and often the customer service. With access to wholesale drop shippers, you can run an online business selling products in any niche market. Many eBay Powersellers achieve their success by drop shipping and having access to wholesale suppliers.
Once you’re ready to take advantage of the opportunities in wholesale dropshipping, your first step is to make connections with suppliers. Unfortunately, the internet is laced with phony suppliers, scam artists, and companies that misrepresent themselves as wholesale providers. There ARE opportunities to use drop shipping as a business model when you know what to expect, and below are my reviews of some of the most popular wholesale dropshipping companies.
Worldwide Brands stands heads above its competition for two reasons: first, it’s top notch education will clear up all confusion that surround selling products on the internet. Their video training makes it the most professional and complete drop ship and wholesale education on the internet.
By far the largest Worldwide has most complete, and most trusted list of wholesale suppliers available. Each supplier is tested for legitimacy and ensured to be quality. There are no question marks surrounding the suppliers inside of Worldwide Brands. Worldwide has the best education, the biggest selection of drop shippers, the best support, and is the easiest to use, earning the title as being the only wholesale drop shipping company approved by eBay.
Even an absolute novice can quickly have a profitable business with the resources used in salehoo. Salehoo connects its members directly with wholesale and drop ship suppliers and serves as a great resource for both beginning and experienced drop shippers. They compile a wide list of wholesale drop shipping companies with an emphasis on instant imports. I would compare it to a smaller Worldwide Brands; for this reason, I recommend it for people who are looking to dabble in the wholesale arena and need a gateway into the industry.
One distinct advantage Salehoo has is in it’s customer support, going even as far as to compile man-made lists for its members. It also has a huge drop shipping forum and a very low price. While not as vast as Worldwide Brands, Salehoo continues to be one of the most popular wholesale directories available, even after several successful years in business.
Doba is as simple as it gets and makes drop shipping as easy as possible. Doba is a different kind of program that cuts most of the hard work out of drop shipping. Doba allows you to sell wholesale items in single units and have them shipped directly to your buyer. This makes the process easier than any other drop shipping solution and syncs directly with eBay, but this does not guarantee huge profits.
Doba is a legitimate, solid company that simplifies the drop shipping business model better than anyone. However, drop shipping single units often makes it difficult to compete on price; therefore, Doba’s prices cannot always compete with the prices on eBay or the price that you get get by buying in bulk through Worldwide Brands, but they guarantee the absolute best price among drop shippers.
After learning about the benefits of drop shipping, the common reaction is to assume that online auctions are the best place to sell your wholesale goods. After all, many people use eBay in their drop ship wholesale businesses because it guarantees traffic tyour products. Online auctions do have their drawbacks: for example, most eBay buyers are bargain hunters, meaning lower prices for some goods.
While owning your own website actually maximizes your potential for profit, it takes some creativity and a (very slight) learning curve for those who have never managed a web page. The benefits, however, are immense; with your own site, you can sell items as a bundle, determine your own prices, and be considered an authority within your market. There are more opportunities for traffic, and you control the marketplace and the pricing
You’re starting an Ecommerce business, the first thing that you should obtain is access to a good wholesale directory, and preferably Worldwide Brands. Your first success will come from drop shipping, and you’ll take the first profitable venture that you enjoy and dive deeper into the niche. To do this, you’ll want to have an Ecommerce website.
Now that you have access to an unlimited supply of wholesale products, I recommend running a website that sells your most profitable products. While there are many places that you can initiate this process, I recommend USellCorp, because it integrates directly as an Ecommerce website. While certainly not the cheapest option, USellCorp is the most qualified to work with drop shippers and wholesalers.
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