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First-rate information about some of the best motion pictures that you may have never heard of is right here. Enjoy this list of films that are “oldies but goodies”. Bear in mind that you can download any of them you select directly to your own computer in the convenience of your own residence.
Of course In God We Trust is a must see! Uninformed friar Feldman treks to L.A. to get money for his monastery. This film is a comedy that is unfortunately unfunny starring Richard Pryor, who is cast as God. Cast includes Marty Feldman, Peter Boyle, Louise Lasser, Richard Pryor, Andy Kaufman, Wilfrid Hyde-White, and Severn Darden.
The General Died at Dawn is a fine play of Oriental intrigue, with mercenary Cooper falling in love with foreign agent Carroll when combating threatening warlord Tamiroff. Cast Gary Cooper, Madeleine Carroll, Akim Tamiroff, Dudley Digges, Porter Chamber, and William Frawley.
Mrs. Dalloway stars Redgrave and is shining as the spouse of a British M.P., who on the night of a soiree, thinks back to her adolescence when she chose between a safe, secure life and a more challenging presence with a man who sincerely loved her. McElhone is a extraordinary match for Redgrave in the flashback scenes. Cast includes Vanessa Redgrave, Natascha McElhone, Rupert Graves, Michael Kitcben, Alan Cox, Lena Headey, Amelia Bulhnore, Sarah Badel, Oliver Ford Davies, Katie Carr, John Sitting, Robert Hardy, Margaret Tyzack, and Phyllis Calvert.
It is crucial to see the movie House Springs. Having just been ditched by his fiance Driver, British actor Firth heads to the United States and falls for Graham. Then, wouldn’t you know it, Minnie shows up. There are great acting jobs from one and all, although not enough chuckles for a romantic comedy. The film is based on the book New Cardiff by Charles Webb. Cast includes Colin Firth, Heather Graham, Minnie Driver, Mary Steenburgen, Oliver Platt, and.
Inferno, an American returns to N.Y. from school in Rome to research the hideous death of his sibling, and finds “sinister moms” causing paranormal pandemonium on both sides of Atlantic. Surreal, spellbinding shocker by Italian terror genius Argento doesn’t make much sense, but it has a lot of style. Cast includes Leigh McCloskey, Irene Marvel, Sacha Pitoeff, Daria Nicolodi, Eleonora Giorgi, Veronica Lazar, and Alida Valli.
A must see The Accidental Tourist, this movie tells the narrative of Macon Leary, who is lethargic after the death of his son. This is compounded more when his wife decides to leave him because he will not snap out of it. With a divorce imminent he finds himself mixed up with a new woman, who is helping bring him back to life. Now his wife decides to have him back, and he is faced with more tough questions. William Hurt, Kathleen Turner, Geena Davis, Amy Wright, and Bill Pullman star.
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