GPS real time tracking is a very efficient method to keep an eye on a fleet whenever required no matter where it is located. It is a valuable tool which can be used in cutting costs and improving efficiency.
Real time tracking
A major benefit of this form of GPS device is that it enables real time tracking of each vehicle. This would be especially important in the event of an emergency like for example if there was an accident and help was required immediately. The GPS device will be able to provide the whereabouts of the vehicle immediately so that appropriate help could be sent out and no time is lost. Real time tracking also has implications in terms of efficiency so that a fleet can be closely monitored.
Anywhere, anytime
Advanced technology is used in GPA real time tracking and this makes it possible to pinpoint a vehicle wherever it is, when required. Basically, the GPS device, otherwise known as the modem, sends a signal to an antenna which then sends this to a satellite and from there on the data is transferred to a Web application. Low Earth Orbit satellites, which make up the Iridium meshed network, are located all around the globe, from pole to pole. This means that data can be transferred within seconds, no matter where and when the vehicle is located.
One of the issues with having a fleet of vehicles is that it’s hard to monitor such a large number of vehicles. It can be difficult to prove if a driver is being inefficient in some way, like for example if they are driving too fast or idling excessively. This can cost businesses a substantial amount of money. Policies and regulations can be put in place but if these aren’t followed they’re useless. GPS real time tracking can help ensure that such policies are implemented. The GPS system sends data which can be used to assess efficiency and based on these improvements can be made where necessary. Reports can be produced which can be used in improving the business.
GPS helps ensure the safety of drivers. For example, if a driver has to go through a dangerous area or bad weather conditions and an accident occur, they can set off a trigger to indicate that help is required. This can also be achieved automatically by using the real time tracking device. For example, if a driver is not responding and has stopped for some unknown reason or if they have driven into a prohibited area, then an automatic alert can be sent out. There is also a distress button which can be pushed manually. This is where real time technology really comes into play. Immediate assistance can then be dispatched.
There are a number of benefits associated with GPS real time tracking. A fleet can be monitored anytime anywhere to improve business efficiency. Its implementation can help ensure safety of drivers should a problem occur.