Aion Guides – The Benefits Of An Aion Guide

I’ve been using quite a bunch of Aion guides ever since I set foot in the fantasy world of Aion Online and as the authors promised, these guides have shown me the resolve of several problems I had while playing this game. I know that many players resent the idea of using any game guides because to some, a game guide sounds like cheating. That’s entirely wrong, and here are a few benefits that the Aion guides I’ve been working with have provided me with.

My leveling speed was always an issue because I never know which quests to do and which to skip, and I always lost a lot of time searching for the quests objectives. An Aion guide for leveling has proven to be very handy in this case, as it provided me with a few outstanding quest routes, which helped me manage my game time much better, and this way I was able to maintain a high and constant XP rating.

If you play Aion Online, you have probably noticed by now that, at least after you pass level 30 with your toon, the quests are not enough to get you from level to level. So, you must do some grinding. But not choosing the right mobs will bring on a considerable waste of time. The Aion guide for leveling has helped me though, to identify the best spots for grinding, for my class, so I managed to keep a high XP flow when grinding, as well.

Aion guides have taught me a lot about making Kinah in this MMO. From Broker House techniques and private store managing, to farming methods, crafting and gathering, all the aspects of making money in Aion: Tower of Eternity were covered in an Aion Kinah guide I’ve been using. I’ve also learned about many repeatable Coin Quests locations, quests which are great to solve for quick cash if you need a couple of hundreds of thousands fast.

The Aion guide for Kinah that I’ve been working with has brought to my view quite a few great farming spots as well. Most of them are located in the Abyss, of course, because that’s where the big bucks are. Best mobs to kill for money are the Balaur faction, because they have a rich loot table, they drop many items with PvP states which players buy all the time, many spells and skills books which sometimes are very valuable and they always drop Kinah. Also, Balaurs give nice XP and AP.

As a conclusion, Aion guides can be a lot of help to any player, noob or pro, if stuck at some point with leveling or if having problems with the in-game cash flow. So, instead of buying power level or Kinah from the online sellers and risk to get your account banned, the best solution is an Aion guide.

Click here if you’re interested in an excellent Aion Guide, and also here’s a review for the best Aion Guides.

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