The long-standing issue of drafting, quoting and selling at the right price a wood window has never been the nightmare for decades.
Finally there is a newly born company which has addressed the thing a far step ahead.
Basically all the timber window design software are based on the point that someone is not filling an empty space, but creating a framed product.
Here is the mistake. A human-reasoning system should work as every expert as woodworking craftmen: measure the wall opening and letting the mind to be free to invent any kind of multiple primary, secondary and nested sub-structures. So you can come out with a 5 framed window facade, with each element suited to different need: different bottom rails number, intermediate transoms, georgian geometries et cetera.
And the best would be that someone can draft this window in a visual interface, without any technical strong skill in CAD design, backed with a cost configuration which apply all the feasibility rules against the used structures and weights, calculating the sharp price.
All this, is what lots of wookworking company in the world of windows and doors really need, taked as objective outcome that very ofter the level of software innovation for vinyl and aluminium windows is already far above the wood ones.
The good news are that all these needs are being satisfied and becoming reality with the efforts of a University spin-off which is marketing a new software solution for the wood window industry. This company is named archiwindow (, since it pretends to attribute a architectural value to the window elements in the builing.
Finally the aim af the all archiwindow job is also to create a robust technical platform where to implement costs, rules and constraints in few days! What normally requires months of software consultants now can become computerized knowledge in a matter of days or hours. The rule-based technololy running behind the scene in the Archiwindow paltform allow any also little woodworking company to configure the system very easily.
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