If you have little to no experience in going to court, no matter what the reason, you should be attending a court docket. A court docket is just a schedule of cases that are to appear before a certain judge in a certain time period, and are open to the public to see.
Knowing how the court room operates is incredibly important. Knowing your way around the court room, and the procedures required in order to be admitted, is ideal for getting in and out without fuss. You will be subject to metal detection devices, for instance, to prove that you are not concealing a weapon officers are not immediately aware of.
You shouldn’t intentionally try to “butter up” the judge in the court case, but you should also not be rude or impolite. Being rude to a judge that presides over a civil case will be the first ticket to a lost court battle. Always show your polite manner, speak when spoken to, and try to have a cool head instead of ranting or jumping to conclusions.
If you do have a future court case pending, you should try to find a date in which cases similar to yours are to be presented. That way you will be able to see what the judge allows and what he or she doesn’t. Knowing what frustrates or angers the judge is also important so that you do not trip any alarms. Observe best practices so you won’t make mistakes.
Even if you have a specific time stated on your pending court case, you should arrive at the beginning of the docket. Docket cases can be moved around to best suit the convenience of the judge and pending cases. A judge will, for instance, push back a case he or she knows will take up a long time. And if you miss your court case, odds are you will automatically lose the case and will be unable to appeal the case to a higher authority.
Overall, attending a court docket for a civil or criminal trial is an important life lesson. Even if you aren’t soon to be in court, it’s nice to go and see how the judicial system works first hand. The public as able to go to these dockets freely in most cases, and you will be free to leave at any time so long as you don’t cause a ruckus.
Final Thoughts
A court case is something that puts the average citizen through a lot of stress. Relieve your stress by learning the system early, and knowing what you should be doing to prepare. You will have one step above the opposing party in the matter.