The popularity of weblogs has exploded in recent years. The web now plays host to a staggering range of blogs on a whole manner of topics both trivial and essential. This user-driven, grass roots forum has proved to be enduring, and, now more than ever, it’s vital for upcoming bloggers to establish a unique identity through individual blog templates.
The Web 2.0 is revolutionizing the way we create and access content, making possible the kind of democratization that the web’s founders could only imagine. To get your voice heard in the blogosphere, as well as creating killer content, it’s important that you brand your blog to make it accessible while at the same time helping it to stand up and get noticed in an increasingly crowded room.
Firstly, you need to decide on the type of blog you want to create. For example, if you’re going for a current affairs or news blog and are attempting to create something which you hope will speak with some authority, you might want to opt for something clean and simple. Although web-based content is providing a serious challenge to print, a lot of news blogs use very simple, traditional newspaper-style templates to convey a certain gravitas and air of respectability.
Magazines and papers have spent a long time honing their styles to the particular demands of their readers’ eyes and attention spans, so if you feel your content needs to convey a certain gravitas, don’t be ashamed to borrow a few ideas from the professionals.
If your blog is more personal or confessional, or perhaps dedicated to your favorite hobby, feel free to experiment with various styles. Give yourself a memorable tagline, header and footer to establish a unique web identity across your various entries and play around until you find something that clicks and creates a positive reaction from your readers.
One tip that applies across the board is to avoid any crowded background images. Don’t layer text on a family photograph for instance, or layer red text on a picture of a sunset! Think about what would actually be enjoyable to look it. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, so don’t be afraid to copy and adapt styles from some of your favourite blogs. Often, other people’s ideas work for a very basic reason: they are simply attractive and effective.
There’s no shame in making use of the very best blog templates the world wide web has to offer, for example. The added bonus here is that you won’t need extensive (or any) HTML knowledge and most modern blogging sites will let you tweak and share just about anything.
If you bear the golden rules in mind, and provided you’ve got something interesting to share, you shouldn’t have too many problems in creating a blog that’s both approachable and uniquely yours. Blog templates are flexible and fully customisable, so play around and see what works and what doesn’t. Have fun, experiment and think at all times about the people you’re aiming for and your blog’ll go far!
Get one of the several blog templates that are located online. The blog theme you use can bring in more traffic. Jump online today and learn more.