Hi today my topic is diffrent from my previous articles today i am writing on the topic and computer or pc games and there entertainment. Know computer is important part of our life.it is like a family member of us.There are many intresting features in computers.but one of the intreting thing is computer games.
People loves to play games on there computers.Computer games gives us big entertainment.Specially computer games are famouse in childs and youngsters vut there are also many games for old people and they also likes to paly game on there computers.but youngsters loves the computer games more.
There are unlimted kinds of computer games like sports games puzzle games fighting games card games etc. Every one has his own taste.My favourite game ever is Need for speed.Some of the famous games in the whole world are street fighter,need for speed,Taken three,Fifa football,brian lara cricket and many other computer games.
There are many websites of computer games are also avalible from where you can download absolute free. one of them is http://www.funandmaza.110mb.com from where you can download games of many kinds for free.
Every day thousands of new games are coming and people who play them are increasing each and every day.This industry is spreading fastly.and every day people are coming in it.so there is no dout that its future is really bright.Usa and china are making gret progress in it and producing new games evey minute.So the result is i love computer games and you give me the comments about it Bye.
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