Current Microsoft Dynamics GP version is 10.0.  Historical versions were: 9.0, 8.0, 7.5, 7.0, 6.0, 5.5, 5.0, 4.0, 3.2.  Plus Great Plains Accounting for DOS and Windows: 9.5, 9.2 and earlier.  Great Plains Dynamics was available for Pervasive SQL Server 2000/Btrieve and Ctree.  Ctree Faircom version was also available for Mac.  In the case of Macintosh – Great Plains Dynamics was in two configurations: Windows Server and Macintosh Server, where both were on Ctree/Faircom.  In this small publication we would like to outline Great Plains Dynamics support options and plans: However, having Great Plains Support experience more than 12 years, we can state that remote support with phone conferences and web sessions is very efficient for all Great Plains Dynamics versions, including Mac, and even for GPA for DOS.  Remote support concentration allows us to run GP Technical Support Call Center as well as GP Dexterity Software Development Factory Even if you do not have support from Microsoft Business Solutions as you probably lapsed in paying for GP annual enhancement program, in certain cases, such as when you need to move away from MSDE 2000 to Microsoft SQL Server Standard, we sill should be able to get your new reg key from MBS This product is really archaic, but we should be able to help you in most of the known issues, plus we should be able to move you to new hardware and keep you operational in GPA for DOS and Windows  What we cannot do for you is – give you new users reg key, as this service is no longer available for Great Plains Partners However, if you switch to us as your official Dynamics GP VAR, we should be able to see your registration key and help you with your day-to-day support issues In order to address GP custom add-ons support, we have Great Plains Software Development Factory, where we specialize in Dex modifications upgrade, logic advancemenCurrent Microsoft Dynamics GP version is 10.0. Historical versions were: 9.0, 8.0, 7.5, 7.0, 6.0, 5.5, 5.0, 4.0, 3.2. Plus Great Plains Accounting for DOS and Windows: 9.5, 9.2 and earlier. Great Plains Dynamics was available for Pervasive SQL Server 2000/Btrieve and Ctree. Ctree Faircom version was also available for Mac. In the case of Macintosh – Great Plains Dynamics was in two configurations: Windows Server and Macintosh Server, where both were on Ctree/Faircom. In this small publication we would like to outline Great Plains Dynamics support options and plans:
1. Remote and Local support. As we have to maintain trained technicians, we found that having small offices in major business metros would be not feasible, as old version support is in relatively low demand. Local support is available in Chicago metropolitan area, with most of the Illinois, Northern Indiana, Southern Wisconsin. However, having Great Plains Support experience more than 12 years, we can state that remote support with phone conferences and web sessions is very efficient for all Great Plains Dynamics versions, including Mac, and even for GPA for DOS. Remote support concentration allows us to run GP Technical Support Call Center as well as GP Dexterity Software Development Factory
2. GP Reg Key regeneration. Even if you do not have support from Microsoft Business Solutions as you probably lapsed in paying for GP annual enhancement program, in certain cases, such as when you need to move away from MSDE 2000 to Microsoft SQL Server Standard, we sill should be able to get your new reg key from MBS
3. Great Plains Accounting tech support. This product is really archaic, but we should be able to help you in most of the known issues, plus we should be able to move you to new hardware and keep you operational in GPA for DOS and Windows What we cannot do for you is – give you new users reg key, as this service is no longer available for Great Plains Partners
4. Great Plains Knowledge Base. If your service contract is expired, you lose the ability to log on CustomerSource and search for the solution. However, if you switch to us as your official Dynamics GP VAR, we should be able to see your registration key and help you with your day-to-day support issues
5. Old Customizations. In late 1990th and earlier 2000th Great Plains customers requested numerous Dexterity customizations. In order to address GP custom add-ons support, we have Great Plains Software Development Factory, where we specialize in Dex modifications upgrade, logic advancement