Fast Facts About Your Computers

We are in the midst of a growing technological age wherein almost everyday something new and exciting is being invented to make our lives easier, especially when it comes to computers. While most people in modern societies are exposed to computers, only few have an expert idea of what computers are and what all those things attached to it do, as well as what some of the computer lingo means.

First is the most common computer term out there: PC. PCs or personal computers are basically that piece of technology that makes up a system of software and hardware. This computer can be used in a multitude of important ways, for instance data encoding and viewing, going into the World Wide Web, as well as for storing all your information such as documents, text files, pictures, audio and videos.

Personal computers started out as being these huge machines that basically take up a large amount of space, and are extremely heavy and hard to move. However, as computer technology progressed, the bulkier machines gave way to the smaller and more compact desktop versions, which as the name suggests, fits on top of your desk and uses a smaller space than its predecessor.

However, contrary to popular belief, PCs are not just desktops. They are also those even more compact yet equally capable machines that are infinitely smaller and more movable than previous older models of the PCs.

These smaller machines are the laptop computers, notebooks and palm pilots that can easily fit into bags and be taken anywhere. Additionally, the term PC is also used to describe the other even more compact and capable machines that are being invented as we speak.

Another computer word that is causing confusion: servers. It is easy to see why this word brings a lot of confusion, since it has a lot of definitions. You have the file server, which is a computer that is attached to a network of other computers. The function of the file server is to make users of the other machines be able to access and store information, even if they are in different areas of the world.

Then you have the network servers or the machines that specifically process and deliver information to the other attached machines through the local network or internet. The thing about these network servers is that they are able to handle a large user load due to the fact that they have been modified with appropriate processing, memory and storage configurations.

Another is a business server, which has been configured to handle business functions. This machine features connections to fax machines, printers, mobile support, remote connectivity, restore options and business intranet.

Lee Martin has been in the information technology business since PCS were in homes. Currently Lee is works on servers and server rooms to find efficiencies in established networks.

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