Find Out If Your Child Has Been Drinking With an Alcohol Tester

We all know adolescents are under lots of peer pressure. They get pressured to do bad things like vandalism, to sneak out at night, and, of course, to drink. Of course, adults know teenagers should not be drinking because it can damage still developing brains, and because teenagers are not yet mature enough to handle alcohol’s potential intoxication. And even though the legal drinking age is 21 because of that, still, many, many teens drink. It’s not hard; all they have to do is find a willing adult to buy them a fifth of liquor or six-pack of beer. Once they’ve got the alcohol, they’re free to do as they wish — but they don’t realize the consequences of those actions. They could drive while intoxicated, be driven by someone intoxicated, and more. If you’re the parent of a teen, you know that you have to keep your child safe from dangers, including alcohol, and now, an alcohol tester can give you that ability.

It may seem “uncool” to monitor your child with an alcohol tester, because you may think you’re invading your child’s privacy. You may feel, for example, that your child wouldn’t lie to you, but that’s a pretty nave stance to take. In fact, your child may very well be drinking and doing other things behind your back that you’d never suspect. Of course, you can find out through conventional (and invasive) methods like reading diaries, asking friends, or otherwise snooping, but an alcohol tester gives you a much more direct approach.

An alcohol tester that’s used at home is not unlike the breathalyzer test a police officer uses during a field sobriety test. You simply have your child blow into the machine, and in a few minutes you’ll know his or her blood alcohol content. Even minute amounts of alcohol can be detected. So even if your child has had one beer, or one shot, the alcohol tester will find out if your child has been drinking.

Although you may think you’ll be able to tell if your child has been drinking by his or her behavior, that’s pretty nave as well. Kids that age are very good at hiding things from parents, and you may not know that your child has been drinking (may in fact be very intoxicated); the alcohol tester can change that. You can use it anytime of the day or night, such as in the morning before school or when he or she returns home from being out with friends.

Among the best times to use the alcohol tester is when your child is planning to attend a party, or events like the prom. This is often when kids indulge, and it’s a perfect time to test with an alcohol tester. And even though your child may be angry at you for doing so, you as the adult know that this is in fact for your child’s own good. Again, you are the parent and it’s your responsibility to make sure your child can grow into an adult who’s fully functioning, happy — and intact. You won’t be able to control what he or she does once older, but while still under your control, you can test as often as you need to, to make sure your child is not drinking.

Written by Robin Saunders, an experienced writer that tackles various topics that are not limited to alcohol, DUI, alcohol tester etc. The author personally uses Alcohawk, find out why it’s one of the best testers available today.

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