Handheld GPS Device – They Go Where You Do

In the past few years, GPS devices have become more popular. However, when many people think of GPS, they think of larger devices that come in automobiles. Well, today you can find smaller versions as well, such as a handheld GPS device. You don’t have to have a large system that only stays in one vehicle. You can purchase a handheld GPS device that will be able to go wherever you do, which is a huge benefit and step forward when it comes to GPS products. There are many companies that are producing these devices, so here are some excellent tips to help you make the best choice when you purchase a handheld GPS device.

Take a Close Look at the Extras

First of all, you should definitely take a close look at the extras available when purchasing a handheld GPS device. You’ll find that GPS systems have definitely come a very long way and today there are a variety of great features that are available. While most of them come with similar systems, the extras may make the difference. Consider whether it is waterproof, is rugged enough for your use, whether it has turn by turn directions, or Bluetooth capabilities. All of the features can make a huge difference. So, be sure to look at them when consider a handheld GPS device.

Ensure Your Handheld GPS Device Can Be Updated

When you choose a handheld GPS device, you should definitely ensure that it can be updated. You’ll find that routes and common maps change on a regular basis, so your handheld GPS device should be able to be updated so that you can keep track of changes and have the best information possible. Removable memory is a great idea too in a handheld GPS device, since it makes it easier to update the device and pick out new software that you want to use in the device too.

Color vs. B&W

Consider the screen when choosing your handheld GPS device. When you pick out a handheld GPS device, you will be able to choose between a nice color screen and a black and white screen. Prices will vary depending on what you choose. While you can save money on a screen that is black and white, it may not offer you the image you need. Color is a bit more expensive on a handheld GPS device, but they provide images that are much clearer. It’s probably best to try out both kinds to see which one works the best for your specific needs.

Consider Going with Bluetooth

Today Bluetooth is available when you’re choosing a handheld GPS device. While you don’t have to have this feature, it is definitely a wonderful idea. It may not be important when you are using your device while on foot, but if you plan on using the handheld GPS device while you are driving, it can be a great option to have Bluetooth so you don’t have to take your attention from the road. Many of the newer models are coming out with this technology today.

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