How New Technology has Improved Heavy Machinery

When you think of heavy machinery you usually also think of noise, sweat, hard work and the dust that is stirred up by working it. But new technology has been at work to reduce the many problems associated with working heavy machinery. Years ago, operators had to be strong to survive a day in the heat bumping over rough ground and listening to the roar of all their heavy machinery. But these days manufacturers have realized that operator comfort translates to better efficiency and thus to increased work and a higher dollar return for the employers.

So instead of drivers having to endure gruelling heat or icy cold weather day after day, heavy machinery is now equipped with air-conditioned cabs. The noise level has also been reduced where possible by better design and more efficient parts.  Much heavy machinery is now comes with electronically controlled systems that take all the hard work out of the actual operation.

Even simple changes have helped. Once tractors had steel seats that often got hot enough to burn skin if the farmer sat down in shorts. Then the seats became padded. After that a roof was added to provide shade. It took a bit longer to get that air-conditioned cab with lights and music.

Nowadays much heavy machinery is so easy to use that women are increasingly applying for jobs driving it. This has seen job opportunities for females crop up in places like mining that were once the province of the male population. Regardless of who drives heavy machinery these days, the changes towards ease and comfort are certainly much appreciated.

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