Microsoft Dynamics GP ERP and MRP application is successor of former Great Plains Dynamics and enterprise. Great Plains Software Dynamics accounting application was introduced in earlier 1990th as the future replacement for Great Plains Accounting for DOS and Windows. GPA as well as earlier Dynamics was available on competitive OS platforms: Windows and Mac. At this time, fall of 2008, it is probably impractical to talk about Great Plains Accounting customizations, as if you are still on GPA, you are probably not looking for business expansion, for more details visit to or if you have such plans, then you should consider migration to Great Plains Dynamics GP. In this small publication we will concentrate on Great Plains programming and modification options, especially on large and midsize software development projects:
1. GP technical consultants and Decks programmers’ consolidation and specialization. If all you need is field consultant, then you should expect broader expertise from this folk, however it is probably not realistic to expect him to play all the instruments and do deep Great Plains integrations and add-ons. All you expect from this guy is to help you with data fixing and add-on specking out to be transferred to Great Plains Software Development Factory.
2. Great Plains Customization options. Traditionally most if not all of the add-ons were programmed in Great Plains Dexterity, however since the introduction of GP version 9.0 and especially 10.0 some of the programming project, especially in eCommerce scenarios could be written in reconnect. Reconnect is tightly related to Great Plains architecture and it doesn’t post Great Plains batches for example as the architecture restriction. To understand GP Decks architecture principles you should read fundamental Dexterity and GPS Dynamics whitepapers. As a work around to enable posting Sales Order Processing and virtually all the batches in Dynamics GP – you should deploy Alba Spectrum Posting Server
3. Each ERP application should accommodate itself to Operating System and computer hardware renovations. In modern time, it is probably fare to way that every two years your Accounting application should be upgraded to the new version, for more details visit to where in our opinion you should skip every second new version, where new versions are coming typically every calendar year. Please, understand here, that Great Plains Dexterity customization was written uniquely and specially for your business and its upgrade should be considered seriously
4. We discourage you from taking this route, as you will begin inevitable experiments with business compliance and likely its violationsÂÂÂ