People can do many things on eBay. Many sell, and many drop ship, but not many have tried to combine the two. Buyer and Seller feedback is a mysterious concept used and can often overwhelm and undermine users, whether they are new or experienced. However, if your focus is on giving good customer service and striving to lean the process of how things work on this online auction website, feedback should be the least of your worries.
I would like to go into more detail on the function of Feedback on eBay and how it is significant to new eBay users because this is one of the primary things people associate with when thinking of eBay.
eBay is the most expanse and highly visible auction arena on the Internet. It is gigantic. Thousands of sales occur on an hourly basis. eBay speedily determined these sales were expanding so exponentially that there was no hope for efficiently and effectively keeping an overall record. And, even individual transactions were challenging.
eBay decided to take control of this situation to avoid becoming a site which lacks organization, order, and arrangement.
When giving feedback, it is done by simply giving a ranking to the person you deal with in a transaction. This is easy to do and keeps things positive or negative, leaving no questions as to how each party behaved during the transaction.
As far as this transaction goes in general, it is pretty straight forward. There is also an eBay DSR ranking which allows one to give more detail.
Feedback ensures customers and businesses perform to expectations. However, retailers remain subject to the whim of their customers. Reputation has been paramount to success since the beginning of eBay feedback.
Essentially, if you don’t have a good reputation, you won’t see a lot of action. This concept has helped impose some order onto an otherwise unwieldy environment, and it seems to be working well.
If you’d like to learn more about selling on eBay, make sure to check out What To Sell On eBay.