How To Handle The First Month Of Your New Job

The first month on a new job is a delicate period, and we cannot afford to spend it just as we please.

It is a trial period for a new employee and the long-term success on this new job depends on how the first few weeks or even the first month goes. So it is important that you prepare before you report to your new job.

The following tips may prove practical and valuable:

Be Punctual

Be punctual and follow the work schedule.

Report on time and don’t leave even a minute before the scheduled time unless you have the permission of your boss and the situation is urgent. Know the lunch and coffee-break schedules.

Dress Appropriately

Follow the dress code, if there is one. In the absence of a prescribed dress code, make sure you wear the appropriate clothing for your position.

For example, if others in a comparable position are wearing business suits, then you should have at least three and keep them clean and well-pressed. Showing up shabbily dressed would give the impression that you have shabby work habits and skills.

Follow Instructions

Before you begin your assigned work, be clear about the instructions. Even if you have the slightest doubt, get it right from the horse’s mouth.

Don’t jump to conclusions and do things your own way. You don’t want your new boss and fellow employees to think you are a “know-it-all.”

Understand the Dynamics of the New Workplace

Whenever a new employee joins an organization or enters a new workplace, it directly or indirectly affects the dynamics of the place. Be sensitive to the dynamics of your new workplace and take your time to understand them before you settle in to your new job.

In short, appear unassuming rather than presumptuous. Don’t be dragged in to any chitchat about politics or the company’s management.

Make sure not to join any faction or group – and don’t participate in any discussion that is tantamount to gossip.

Practice Professional Etiquette

Remember and follow the rules of professional etiquette. A pleasing and courteous demeanor will help you win friends and well-wishers in no time.

Keeping a low profile and appearing unassuming is preferable to being boisterously sociable toward your new associates.

Be Efficient

Be a diligent worker with a conscientious approach, and be sure to meet all deadlines. Never produce any work that is slipshod or sloppy. Your level of output is important but not without quality.

Pursue excellence relentlessly and practice it in all that you do.

Use Personal & Office Items Judiciously

Your family and friends may be keen to know how you are doing in your new job. However, at least in the first few weeks, discourage them from phoning you during working hours.

On the other hand, don’t use office resources and gadgets like the telephone, fax machines, etc., for your personal use unless management expressly permits it.

By using the above tips, you’ll be able to ensure that your new job is enjoyable – and that you are successful from the very beginning.

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