How to Level Your Character In WoW

The World of Warcraft (WoW) is today considered the largest massively multi-player online role-playing game (MMORG) in the world of online gaming, estimated to capture about 62% or the total MMORG playing population, with over 11.5 million monthly subscriptions (as of 2008 December).

The game evolves around the realm named as Azeroth, where the players create an online personality and battle human beings or orcs of the opponent when it’s player vs player; challenges monsters or situations when it’s player vs environment or a combo of both modes as per their choice The aim of the game is to move higher in levels and acquire more skills and points doing so. This is done through ‘quests’, much like Sir Galahad’s for the Holy Grail, where the rewards are points, ‘money’ or items, like gold. There are many kinds of quests, or also called ‘tasks’ or ‘missions’, each quest starting from a previous one. Visit this internet website: joanas horde leveling guide to discover more.

The WoW levels are from 1 to 80, and getting from the first to the 80th level may take a player anywhere between a few days to several months, depending on how long he plays and how fast he acquires the skills. Like always there is a way around these levels and to get faster to the next one with few tricks listed in leveling guides, all these make the game addictive to the core.

Zygor’s leveling guide is the most acclaimed and welcomed unanmously among the WOW gamers, who consider it as user-friendly and useful for both newbies and experts.The most enticing aspect about the Zygor’s guide is that they have listed methods and tricks for both Alliance and Horde the two races that combat in Azeroth realm, which is unique and found in no other guides that are made available. Methods listed are very clear, easy to understand even for a newbie and complete in it’s approach .

A map is also given, that aids in guiding you to places where the performance is better or different in every quest you undertake. Hints generally basic though very helpful in times of need.

warcraft pros class guide

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