Loan Modification Software, New Obama Law Ham

A New Software Helps Homeowners Avoid Foreclosure

Introducing the for the Fastest Most Effective Way to Modify an Existing Home Loan.

The rising number of foreclosures has spurred a leading credit repair software company to take action to help those facing foreclosure. By renegotiating a home loan, sometimes called loan modification, this process can sometimes stop mortgage foreclosure.

The software program is designed for those acting on behalf of mortgage holders either in trouble of default or already in default with their lenders by providing a powerful tool to help in the loan modification process to stop home foreclosure.

The offers a complete loan modification processing center including a completely integrated e-mail system and template manager to facilitate professional communications between the client, the broker and the lending institution.
The Loan Modification Machine is designed for the loan modification attorney, mortgage broker or real estate broker interested in providing loan renegotiation and loan modification services.  They can now offer loan modification help by offering  Pre-Approval Status for all mortgages falling under the FNMA SMP (Fannie Mae Simplified Modification Program.)

The SMP is designed to be a streamlined process for modifying the loans of a large number of borrowers who are delinquent in their mortgage payment and may be able to avoid a foreclosure through the program.

For all other loans the Loan Modification Machine offers loan modification programs based on the lending institutions Debt to Income ratio. Simply plug the numbers into the system and a proposal will be generated that fits the guidelines of that lending institution for approval process.

The includes every loan modification agreement needed and can work with commercial foreclosure and short sale.
Not all homeowners will qualify for either the FMNA SMP program or their lending institution’s modification process as the homeowner needs to be in a genuine hardship situation and may need to qualify based on other criteria.

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