“The Empire Strikes Back,” the long awaited for sequel to the massively successful “Star Wars – A New Hope,” does not disappoint in the least. The movie continues on the same “Hero’s Journey” theme and stays true to the rebels vs. the empire conflict with the same collection of characters, both good and bad. It furthers the metaphorical struggle of good vs. evil, and will keep you on the edge of your seat for the entire movie.
The picture starts a short time after the previous movie finished. Our heroes are someplace on this presumably abandoned ice planet, in an endeavor to hide out from the empire, led by none other that Darth Vader, whose situation based on events of the earlier movie is now known. We see him bowing down the Emperor himself, and realize he isn’t the top dog after all.
It doesn’t take long for the empire to locate the rebels hideout, and a battle for their getaway ensues. Only this time, they split up. To evade capture by the empire, this is the only option. Han Solo, Princess Leia, and C3PO head for a station run by Han’s acquaintance, while Luke heads off to meet up with some mysterious character, a character that will become one of the most notorious imaginary characters ever formed.
We keep to Han and Leia through an asteroid field, and other happy times before they finally arrive on Han’s allies outpost, only to find the empire, including Darth Vader, has arrived earlier than them, and has forced Han’s buddy into falling into a trap. It comes across as that the all powerful Darth Vader is in search of something.
Meanwhile, we see Luke land on some tropical forest planet out in the center of nowhere. His vessel sinks into a bog, and he feels he may be in the wrong place. Then he meets up with Yoda, the last breathing Jedi Trainer. He puts Luke through a scrupulous training, both mind and corporeal, teaching him the ways of the force. Some of the most dominant, metaphysical truths of the universe are discovered during the exchanges between Luke And Yoda. We also learn that in order to turn into a true Jedi, Luke must face Vader. Something Yoda fears he is not quite equipped for.
Luke, owing to his growing powers of the force, sense that his friends are in danger, and leaves before his guidance is concluded. We see Ben’s ghost come into sight, and speak with Yoda. They bring up that there is “one other” possible Jedi who may save the universe, but we don’t know who. Luke arrives at the station where his friends are kept captive, and we learn that this was Darth Vader’s plan all along. To take Luke and bring to the emperor. We also learn one more startling piece of information, but I decline to mess up this for anyone who has not seen this masterwork. This is a trilogy that you must be in possession of. I recommend you buy the box set if you can afford it. This is movie making at its most outstanding.
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