Online Income!Project pay-day

I own a business and it has suffered considerably due to this economic environment. As a result, I decided to try and find ways to get some extra money while sitting in my shop. I stumbled upon Project pay day and Clickbank. I found Clickbank first and was very excited to get going! I looked at the services and goods offered on Clickbank and chose a pair.

For folks who don’t know how Clickbank works, you basically try and sell the products on the site and you get paid a commission for any sales you make.

So, you create an affiliate link and you go into chat rooms and paste it under acceptable conversations. I also created a Google Adwords account ( online advertising ) along with a blog.

I wasted countless hours doing this for a solid week or two and I received zero sales. Perhaps you’ve got to just keep going and ultimately it’ll happen. However , I needed a little support to grasp that there is a chance it may work out…just one sale would have sufficed.

The other player for income online is Project payday. Again, I signed up, was excited and found a pleasant girl to help me with the method. Fundamentally you find offers on a site called and you buy these offers for lower amounts like $1.00 or $2.95 etc…After you successfully purchase these offers your sponsor pays you a charge of $10.00, $20.00 or more.

I had a very difficult time buying these offers because I possess a business Visa card and it would not go thru for whatever reason. So, I had to try repeatedly again. I must have entered my credit card info 20 times! 2 days later I had two different charges on my account for $29.95.

Luckily I hunted down the companies and they managed to reverse the charges. Of course, I’m not going to go forward with this company either.

And at this moment I would like to call you to reach this site project payday.To get Free tips on your business please enter in here project payday review.

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