If you have recently joined a network marketing organization, you might find yourself thinking a lot about MLM marketing tactics that can work to build your business. Not only are you looking for ways to sell more products, but you are also looking for ways to recruit more people into your downline to increase your own income in the future.
Twitter should be a starting point for your MLM marketing plan. A lot of people are scared of the technology when their is really no reason to be worried. The numbers of people not using the technology is amazing. You need to forget everything you think you know about social media. No longer is it only a place to reconnect to with old friends and keep family up to date with pictures of your life. In order to succeed in the MLM business, you need to build a brand for yourself and Twitter is a great place to start.
Twitter is not for just small businesses and individuals anymore, as many large corporate companies are getting in on the action. Don’t you think that their is a huge reason that these companies are investing in this social media avenue for a reason. The biggest thing you need to do is be sure you are not using Twitter the wrong way.
For example, if the only thing you ever tweet about is the business opportunity, people get very tired of hearing it. They feel like they’re being sold to and they actually shut down to hearing your message. You want to be very mindful that you should post useful information that people want to know about before you start posting about your business opportunity. For example, if you have seen an interesting news story, even if it has nothing to do with your business, post a link to it so that other people can enjoy getting that information. Once they begin to trust that you are there to provide quality information and interact with them on a human level, they will be more open to hearing about your opportunity.
One of the best places to start on Twitter is by finding and connecting with some of the top leaders in your industry. Follow what they are putting out and learn from their blueprint they are using. They never pitch anything. They are always providing value and continually branding themselves. Follow their lead and you will find that Twitter can be a valuable part of your MLM marketing plan.
Eric McMillan is an online marketer and entrepreneur that helps other people develop online MLM Marketing Plans that create leads for their businesses. If you are ready to stop treading water and get on with your financial freedom, visit Eric McMillan’s FREE Twitter Training at his website MLM Leads Explosion Now!