The Best Hunter Leveling Spec In World Of Warcraft

Ask any seasoned WoW player and they will tell you that hunters level up faster than anyone else. Why, That is because the best hunter leveling spec turns the hunter’s pet into a war machine, something even warlocks can’t do.

Any of the hunter specialization trees work for leveling, but for this build you will want to use Beast Mastery. It is the fastest tree for leveling and gives you the best talents for equipping your pet as a tank, taking the heat off your hunter.

So if you are ready to start leveling up like a demon, here is a solid build.


Put 5pts in Improved Aspect of the Hawk

3 points in Endurance Training (3/5)

then 2pts in Focused Fire

2 points – Improved Revive Pet

1 point – Aspect Mastery

4pts in Unleashed Fury

2 points – Improved Mend Pet

1 point in Improved Mend Pet (1/2)

1 point – Intimidation

2pts in Bestial Discipline

1 point in Animal Handler

5pts in Frenzy

3pts in Ferocious Inspiration

1pt in Bestial Wrath

5 points – Serpent’s Swiftness

3 points – Longevity

5 points in Kindred Spirits

2pts in Cobra Strikes

Then change to the Marksmanship Tree, and put

1pt in Beast Mastery

Move to the Marksmanship Tree and put

5 points – Lethal Shots

3 points – Careful Aim

5 points – Mortal Shots

1 point in Aimed Shot

Choose Bestial Wrath, Hunter is Mark, Freezing Trap for your glyphs.

For your minor glyphs, pick Mend Pet, Revive Pet and Feign Death.

That is a great build that gives you a bit of strength in PvP as well. If you are after a quicker leveling build, however, then you might want to try Zygon’s build, which is considered the fastest leveling build in the game.

As for your major glyphs, you will want Serpent String, Aspect of the Viper, Hunter’s Mark.

Zygon’s build focuses solely on leveling up as fast as possible. With the added bonus to critical chance, damage and holding aggro, it is perfect for working through the levels. It does not, however, work particularly well if you want to take part in a lot of PvPing. If that is more your style, then here is another build that works quite well.

Begin with the Beast Mastery tree and put five talent points in Improved Aspect of the Hawk. After that put

2pts in Focused Fire

2 points in Improved Revive Pet

1 point in Aspect Mastery

5 points – Unleashed Fury

2 points in Improved Mend Pet

5 points in Ferocity

2 points – Bestial Discipline

1pt in Improved Mend Pet

1 point in Animal Handler (1/2)

1 point – Bestial Wrath

1 point – Animal Handler

2 points – Catlike Reflexes (2/3)

5 points – Serpent’s Swiftness

1pt in The Beast Within

1 point in The Beast Within

1 point – Longevity

5 points in Kindred Spirits

1 point – Beast Mastery

Change to the Marksmanship Tree, and put

5 points – Lethal Shots

3 points – Focused Aim

3pts in Careful Aim

3 points – Improved Hunter’s Mark

Finally, change to the Survival Tree and put your last 5 points in Improved Tracking.

1 point -Aimed Shot

Pick Freezing Trap, Bestial Wrath, Hunter’s Mark as your major glyphs.

Do not forget you will want Revive Pet, Mend Pet, Feign Death as your minor glyphs.

Both build orders have a similar focus, although the second is more PvP orientated. They both start with Aspect of the Hawk, increasing your Hunter’s attack speed. You can not explore the Beast Mastery tree without including the all-important Beast Mastery talent. Unleashed Fury, which adds a passive damage increase to your pet, is another essential talent as well. There’s also Ferocity, which improves your pet’s critical chance and is a must-have if you want to do any lasting damage to the more powerful mobs.

While they differ, there is one critical point with both builds – you must micromanage your pet properly! The key is making sure your pet takes all the aggro, otherwise your Hunter will get mauled in a matter of seconds. Using your pet as a main tank is an absolute requirement, because most of your talents will be spent on improving your pet’s capabilities. If you don’t do that, you are going to have a difficult time. Play it properly, however, and you will level faster than anyone else in the game.

Learn about the best hunter leveling spec in the game you will level a lot faster than anyone else. Learn about the best hunter leveling spec in the game by visiting the World of Warcraft Quest Help Blog. All of the classes are covered Learn about the most recent information.

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