The Five Biggest Differences Between Satellite Tv And Cable

While there are a lot of people out there who still find cable a reliable way of getting all of the channels they could ever need, each year more people make the choice to switch to satellite. Whether it’s an increased comfort level with previously weird technology–after all, outer space delivering your television might have been a bit more overwhelming five years ago than it is now–or better prices, satellite seems to be more appealing every year. But just as many people are interested in sticking with what they know, not realizing that there are actually numerous differences between watching your favorite shows on satellite tv and watching them on cable. Here are the five biggest differences between the services.

Satellite offers more options when it comes to high definition. Sure, cable offers the big movie channels, the premium channels, and some network shows. And it’s decided recently that it’s time to add even more coverage. But because cable paused on whether or not HD tv was going to catch on, satellite has the advantage. With five times the amount of options, anyone who has invested in HD and wants to see the results when channel surfing should stick with satellite.

Satellite makes it possible to pick and choose. Consider how much more enjoyable your television viewing experience would be if it was remotely determined by what you actually wanted to buy and what you could go without. That’s the biggest benefit of using satellite instead of cable. Unlike cable packages, which are practically set in stone, satellite users are able to add single channels and get rid of ones they aren’t interested in, rather than remaining stuck with the bundle deal or nothing at all.

Sports fans have a lot more to choose from with satellite. Because of the Sunday Ticket programming, which offers NFL fans the opportunity to have access to every single game played on a Sunday, you’ll never have to miss out on a game because it’s not on network again. Likewise, with a myriad of various ESPN channels plus other sports premium choices, the armchair athletes out there will find that satellite is a big step up from cable.

While cable offers big discounts on the first three months, satellite offers consistency. Sure, there might be great deals from cable at the beginning, which make it possible to get premium channels for a hugely discounted rate. But after that, the prices often go up considerably, and often without warning. On the other hand, satellite might offer things that are closer to regular pricing for premium channels, but that isn’t going to change suddenly a couple of weeks down the road. For consistency with pricing, satellite is definitely ahead of the game.

Satellite is simply more forward-thinking. If you are on the cutting edge of technology, or simply want a fresher, newer technology bringing you television rather than the old guard, satellite tv is the better option. Whether it’s the means by which the signal is transmitted or simply the innovative approach to adopting HD and picking and choosing channels, satellite is thinking of the customer and the future a whole lot more.

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