The History Of Satellite Tv

Many people would be surprised to learn that satellite TV, positioned at the cutting edge of televsision technology, has in fact been around for more than 4 decades. The first satellite TV signal was transmitted from Europe to the Telestar satellite, which at the time was positioned over North America, in 1962. The following year saw the launch of the first geosynchronous communications satellite. Satellites with geosynchronous orbits are crucial to the satellite TV technology. They orbit the Earth at a speed consistent with the Earth’s rotation. Because of this, they stay in the same relative part of sky at all times, meaning that satellite TV customers must only position their satellite dishes once, and then need not worry further about finding a signal. Intelsat I was the first commercial communications satellite, launched in 1965. The First Provider In 1967, Orbita was created in the Soviet Union, officially becoming the world’s first satellite television provider. The technology made it’s way to North America in 1972 and further spread throughout the world in the following years. While the basic principles of satellite television have remained unchanged since those early days, refinements in the technology have made it far more viable as an alternative to cable. The switch to digital from analog signals was probably the biggest advance in satellite TV. An analog signal transmits information through variations in the strength of a signal. A good way to think of an analog signal is to imagine a long rope with one end tied to a tree and the other end in your hand. If you snap the rope, you’ll see the curved section moving from your hand to the tree. An analog signal is much like that curved, moving section. Digital signals are comprised of ones and zeros. A digital signal is much harder to corrupt than an analog signal. When used for a technology that transmits signals across over 20,000 miles from the satellite to the receiver dish on your roof, having a stable signal is crucial. The Advent of HD Over the past few years, high definition television has proven itself to be the future of viewing. Cable companies have started to transmit some of their signals in high definition, however their overall capacity for high definition is determined by how much information can physically be transmitted along the actual cables. Because it transmits signals through the air, Satellite TV isn’t hindered by these restrictions.

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