Following are some tips for fighting spam:
Delete without opening the message: Opening the spam message can actually send a signal to the spammer that someone has looked at the on-screen message and therefore that the email address is valid-which means you’ll probably get more spams in the future. If you don’t recognize the name on your Inbox directory or the topic on the inbox subject line, you can simply delete the message without reading it. Or you can use a preview feature in your email pro-grim to look at the message without actually opening It; than delete it, (Hint: Be sure to get rid of all the deleted messages from time to time; otherwise, they will build up in your “trash” area.)
Never reply to a spam message: The following advice needs to be taken seriously: Never reply in any way to a spam message! Replying confirms to the spammer that yours is an active email address. Some spam senders will tell you that if you want to be removed from their mailing list, you should- type the word remove or unsubscribe in the subject line and use the Reply command to send the message back. Invariably, however, all this does is confirm to the spammer that your address is valid, setting you up to receive more unsolicited messages.
Opt out: When you sign up for or buy something online and are asked for an email address, remember to opt out of everything you’re sure you don’t want to receive. When you register for a website, for example, read its privacy policy to find out how it uses email addresses-and don’t give the site permission to pass along yours.
Enlist the help of your Internet access provider, or use spam filters: Your IAP may offer a (for example, Earthlink’s Spaminator and Hotmail) to stop the stuff before you doesn’t, you can sign up for a filtering ImagiNet ( for a small Or there are do-it-yourself spam-stopping.
Fight back: If you want to get back at other Internet abusers-check with ( or Ed Falk’s Spam Tracking Page (, Spamhaus ( tracks the internet’s worst spammers and ISPs and law enforcement agencies to remove persistent spammers from the provides a free database of IP addresses spammers. These groups will tell you where to report spammers, the appropriate people.
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