Viral Marketing On Facebook Using Widgets

Facebook is one of the most popular social networking sites on the planet, as well as one of the most popular social websites full stop. This makes it ideal for Viral Marketing using a number of different techniques, for example using  a widget on Facebook to aide the spread of your brand or product.  

Due to the hundreds of millions of users of social sites such as Facebook, Youtube, Twitter, Myspace, Flickr to name a few, it is very easy to get content spread very quickly to a wide audience.  A widget on Facebook is a unique and effective method of getting your brand out there quickly using viral marketing.

Viral Marketing comes about when your website uses a unique piece of content be it interactive , like a  game or test, or passive, like a video or picture, cartoon, or in this case a widget on Facebook, which can generate a lot of hits to your site, often in a short space of time.

A widget on Facebook can come in many forms. It can be games, quizzes, tests, popularity contests, etc. Applications such as games are a perfect means for viral marketing without appearing like an advertisement and for hooking people in.  A popular example of a game widget on Facebook is Mafia Wars or Farm Ville.

People love interactivity, especially when the entire reason they are using a Facebook, specifically a widget on Facebook, is to get some interaction. This is where viral marketing on Facebook is so ingenious, spread the interactive application to one person, and they will share it with all of their friends, each of those friends will share with all of their friends and there you have it, viral marketing at its peak!

Another type of widget on Facebook you can utilize with ease is to add a fan box widget.  Users to your page can click on the “become a fan” widget and this will be displayed within their personal page and their news feed for all of their friends to see. You are getting straight into the heads of your target audience without doing any work!

Your status updates can also be a good form of viral marketing on Facebook , just don’t make the updates look too much like your are trying to sell, but guide your audience to want to know more about what you are up to, and direct them to your site to find out. Directing people to a facebook url is much easier than an external link – so set up a Facebook fanpage.

Some companies go to the length of getting programmers to write new games for a widget on Facebook or Facebook application with the intention of sucking people in to playing and requiring their email address to register, which the company can then market to in a very cost-effective manner.

There are many possibilities for a clever, cost-effective marketing strategy using a widget on Facebook and the power of Viral Marketing! Let Facebook do the work for you. There are opportunities for those of us with cash and those without – you just need to be creative! A small investment can save you a lot of time and make you a lot of money.

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