The shift in technology over the last decade has focused on the elimination of wires. With the advent of the cordless phone, followed relatively soon thereafter by the adoption of wireless mobile devices as the preferred means of communication, it seems to logically follow that one day, phone lines themselves will be a thing of the past. For personal use, the cell phone is beyond adequate and is quickly replacing antiquated landlines as the preferred method of communication. For business practice however, operating strictly on mobile devices is less preferable. A stationary phone line is still necessary, however landlines are starting lose their hold on the business market. Voice over Internet Protocol, or VoIP, is starting to take hold as an alternative to landlines.
This practice is known as telephony, or literally a pseudo telephone. The telephone itself is the exact same device phone users are accustomed to, except the connection that the phone uses is different. Traditional landlines transmit phone calls and data over aging networks of landlines, and switch stations, directing calls and faxes accordingly. Granted the speed offered by traditional landlines has long since been exceeded by technology, the primary inconvenience is billing. For business and homes alike, having an additional paper trail for a landline makes no sense when broadband is nothing short of a necessity these days.
VoIP methods of communicating are nearly identical to the traditional phone call, only now the call is being carried via the Internet through either a broadband connection or a dedicated data line such as the NEC UX5000. Austin businesses can have a UX5000 phone system installed and can eliminate a bill and continue crystal clear calls from a stationary line with no difficulty. Instead of plugging your phone into the wall, it simply gets plugged into a UX5000. Austin, Texas is not the only area where VoIP communication is thriving but it may be one of the first.
Similar to online applications similar to Skype, VoIP technology simply allows for voice data to be transmitted through a data connection. One of the premier ways to employ VoIP technology in the home or office is through NEC Phones. Austin and the surrounding area have witnessed a boom in VoIP industry, evidenced by the popularity of the UX5000. Austin residents would also be hard pressed to notice any disadvantages to using NEC phones.
Austin is renowned for its tech industry, and it follows that VoIP phones would be widely adopted. The process is extremely simple and can also provide a static data connection to be used for network purposes. In addition, VoIP phones typically offer superior audio quality because of the methods of transferring the voice data from one end to the other. The codecs used to encrypt and send the voice information over the data connection preserves the original spoken audio quality in a much more efficient manner, and cannot deteriorate over distance like calls on a typical landline. Wires might not yet be a thing of the past, but the end of traditional phone lines could be in the near future.