In an effort to broaden the scope of Windows 7, Microsoft introduced a platform for the management of various types of sensors: temperature sensors, light and motion, accelerometers, compasses, weather stations, readers RFID, devices that determine the location, such as GPS, as well as many others – is available for almost all range of equipment which can be connected to a PC. If the sensors provide early support to the developers or suppliers of ready-made equipment – to the extent they considered necessary – then Sensor and Location Platform standardizes the interface between enterprise applications and drivers.
Thus, after the release of Windows 7 could be expected mass distribution of various devices and applications that are using them.
The platform provides two interfaces – Sensor API and the Location API – respectively, for interaction with sensors and positioning devices. The architecture is modular, and device drivers for it are based on the model of Windows Portable Devices (WPD), which is based on the standard infrastructure of Windows User Mode Driver Framework (UMDF). Control devices accessible through a special applet “Control Panel”.
The struggle for quality
The efforts that Microsoft has made in recent years to improve its operating system and using their applications, are highly commendable. In Windows 7 further developed many initiatives aimed at increasing the reliability of internal components and applications, and created by third parties.
Mechanism of Windows Error Reporting Service and Winqual, presented in Windows Vista, have been upgraded in the light of operational experience. As before, for their use requires a certificate VeriSign, which the developers sign their applications and drivers, so that reports about problems in their work fell into Winqual (the service itself is free for developers). To resolve this issue is proposed to deploy Windows Troubleshooting Platform (WTP) – dissemination mechanism patches and advice in response to bug reports. WTP is integrated with Windows 7 Solution Center – a centralized portal support for users of Windows 7.
Avoid trouble from random failures in the software will Restart Manager – Technology, through which applications are automatically restarted after a failure. In an emergency Windows 7 will restart the program and try to recover the information from which the user worked. Restart Manager can also be useful in carrying out application updates and operating system components without rebooting, and if any is needed, it can automatically restart the application and return it to the latest status.
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