Explanation of generative artificial intelligence and its applications in various industries.

The generated AI is an artificial intelligence that can create new content and ideas, including dialogue, stories, pictures, videos, and music. Like all AI, the ML model -driven large models use AI. These models can be used on a large amount of data, which is usually called the basic model (FMS). The latest progress of ML (especially the invention of the neuron network structure based on a transformer) has led to the rise of a model containing billions of parameters or variables. In order to understand the changes in scaling, the biggest model proposed in 2019 is 330 m parameters. Now, the largest model exceeds 500B parameters -only increased by 1,600 times in just a few years. Today’s FMS, such as LLM (Large Language Model) GPT3.5 or Bloom, and text made of stability-AI, the stable diffusion of image models can perform extensive tasks including multiple domains, such Generate pictures, mathematical questions, dialogue and answer questions according to the file. The size and nature of the FMS distinguish them from the conventional ML models that are usually performed at certain tasks, such as B. Text’s emotional analysis, image classification, and predictive trends

At a high level, the generated AI refers to a class of AI models and tools developed for creating new content (such as text, images, videos, music or code). The generated AI uses various technologies-including neuron network and deep learning -rgorithms-to identify mode and generate new results based on them. Organizations and personnel (including software developers and engineers) are increasingly looking for generating Ki tools to create content, code, pictures, etc.