2009 Top Selling Video Games

 Top Selling Video Games

Even though the recent recession has put a check on the spending habits of many, the console gaming industry has had to suffer comparatively less losses when compared to other industries. The large number of console gamers is to be attributed for this. Even though a large number of video game companies sold a large number of games, only a few have had amazing success in the sale of the video games in the year of 2009.

 In the list of the 2009 top selling video games, Wii has nine games in the list followed by Xbox 360 which has eight and PlayStation 3 has just one game in the list of the top 20. Topping the list is the game that many have adored in the year of 2009. The Wii fit Nintendo of America is on the top of the list followed closely by another of Wii’s games which is Wii Play.

Mario Kart wheel is in the third spot which is also a Wii game. Xbox 360 has something to be proud of as it has its Left 4 Dead at the forth place which is a creation of the Electronic Arts group. It is followed by the Call of duty: World at War which is also an Xbox 360 game which has been created by Activision Blizzard.

Apart from the top 5 there is also Skate 2 a game for the Xbox 360 which is created by Electronic Arts. Activision Blizzard’s work gets another recognized spot at 7 with its Wii game of Guitar Hero World Tour. NDS games also figure in the list of the 2009 top selling video games with two games making its presence felt in the list. At eighth spot is the game New Super Mario Bros created by Nintendo of America which is followed by Mario Kart Ds at the ninth spot which is also a creation of Nintendo of America and is a NDS game.

 The Lord of the Rings does not seem to have lost its appeal to people as it figures in the tenth place. Lord of the Rings: Conquest is an Xbox 360 game which is crested by electronic arts. PS3 gamers also have something which is matching with the other console games. The Call of Duty: World at War is also present for PS3 players which is also created by Activision Blizzard.

 With these many games present for the console gamers who are present in the list of the 2009 top selling video games, quality games for console gamers is never at dearth. One just has to go online and place orders for the game of his choice and suitability and the game will be delivered right to the door step of the player.

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