I think that it is extremely important to take into consideration 3 very vital things when you are setting up your internet marketing business, and how you can become successful by applying a few ‘golden rules’.
1. Use Attraction Marketing
We all want to be the HUNTED not the HUNTER. We really have a very different way in attracting prospects these days. Gone are the times of the ‘hard sell’, we have all realised that this is a sure fire way to make your potential customer run in the opposite direction, at a very fast speed, and it really doesn’t work. It is important to understand personal attraction, you must position yourself as a leader or authority figure, and your prospects will be desperate to partner with you or buy from you.
2. Whatever You Do – Don’t Just Sell Your Business
It’s all about YOU. The product is secondary as people buy from those they LIKE and TRUST, therefore it is paramount that you build a relationship with you prospects from the start. They want to know all about you, videos and blogs are great tools to use in sharing information about yourself. You must also provide them with value – I currently offer a FREE video training course on internet marketing, visit my site http://Kat-holgate.com to check it. You need to share you expertise, tips, ideas and give free reports and eBooks providing good quality information. This will build your relationship with your prospect, so that when they are ready to purchase what you are promoting, they will trust you and buy form you.
3. A Good Mentor Is Essential
A good mentor can make a big difference to your experience, and it is important that you find someone who you can relate to and feel that they are going to give you all the help that you might need. They will have taken the same steps as you at some point and have discovered the pitfalls, shortcuts and have valuable knowledge that will make you path a lot easier, faster and more enjoyable. At the beginning you will require a higher level of support, your mentor should have step by step processes in place to help you learn at your own speed, as we all have different skill sets and learn quite differently. By breaking it down into bite size chunks it is far easier for you to set goals, follow through and start seeing results. Your mentor should be there to encourage and motivate you and give you all the information and tools that you require, but you must realise that it is your drive and ambition that will give you the success your deserve.
Learn more about starting an internet business. Stop by Kat Holgate’s site where you can find out all about her free training course and home business and what it can do for you.