Advanced link building strategies involve search engine optimization (often abbreviated SEO). There is an almost inexhaustible supply of methods from which to choose, especially since what is considered “effective” is quickly changing. Major search engines are attempting to decrease “garbage” search results in favor of true links, rendering many strategies obsolete. Webmasters and other developers who fail to keep a close watch of modern search algorithms may quickly lose priority. Listed here are four important tactics to both maintenance and augmentation of web traffic.
Experienced webmasters have begun to see the downfall of “black hat” optimization. Keyword stuffing, article spinning, and link farming are techniques being blacklisted by large search engines. Websites employing these techniques see reduced traffic from search engines or, in some cases, are banned entirely. These should be completely avoided.
Second, webmasters should actively monitor search engine guidelines to ensure they are following procedure. This is typically referred to as “white hat” SEO, in homage to old American Western films in which villains wore black hats and protagonists wore white. Techniques whose purpose is to defeat algorithms rather than be found naturally by them will eventually be discovered and blacklisted, leading to a long-term loss in traffic for the webmasters who employ them.
International marketing is the future of any business, and as such, worldwide SEO is important to any business. Ensuring local top-level domain registration, professional language translation, and webhosting on local IPs will work wonders to improve global market share. These factors are absolutely necessary to ensure relevance to local search engines, regardless of other tactics used.
One controversial-but-effective technique is the use of “micro-sites.” Microsites are independent websites owned by the same individual or business, each with their own unique Class-C IP address, whose primary objective is crosslinking to other sites within the owner’s control. As ownership of a website is not a factor that search engines can track, it is a safe and effective means of increasing relevance (although it can be expensive, depending on scope).
Advanced link building is in large part based on attention to detail. Staying up-to-date on search engine guidelines and keeping close watch on the techniques employed by your business can go far to protect your web traffic. Long-term growth will be a result of proper procedure.
Advanced link building strategies involve search engine optimization. There’s an almost inexhaustible supply of seo services and link building services from which to pick, especially since what is considered “effective” is changing quickly.