Enhancing Printing With The Xerox Phaser 8400 Printer At Home

The Xerox Phaser 8400 Printer using Phaser 8400 laser toner is known to have a printing speed that is as good as to that of an offset printing press. You can purchase this unit for around $1000. At a speed of 24 pages a minute, this laser printer prints for color output that refers to the fast color mode for house drafts.

The Phaser 8400 package includes a 128MB memory, which is expandable to 512MB, Adobe PostScript 3, a 500MHz processor, USB 2.0 and parallel portsand. This model does not only offer networking, but also has an internal duplex printing 256MB memory. This printer is just worth buying for since it works on other applications real quick compared to entry-level host laser printers that were sampled.

This model can be easily installed compared to a color laser. The Xerox Phaser compatible toner is already loaded with ink that would melt around 12 minutes. All you need to do is look for a place for this printer and just plug it in. After that, you will just have to set up the driver using the auto-install routine then, you are good to go.

The Xerox Phaser 8400 Printer is indeed quite big and heavy. It weighs a hefty 70 pound and is more than a foot tall. It has a diameter of 16.5 by 21 inches. It is too big for your keyboard and monitor to be placed altogether in one desk. Still, this unit is outstanding among LED printers and low-cost lasers.

When this laser printer is compared against the low-cost lasers and LED printers, this has hardly had any competition. This laser printer leaves the 4 pass lasers defeated. It even beats the single-pass Oki C5100n LED printer over half on the individual tests. Based on speed performance, the unit only took 360 seconds of its time while the C5100n took 475 seconds printing speed.

This laser printer’s output for paper was evaluated good to excellent with the Xerox Phaser 8400 printer toner cartridge. The evaluation for photos was rated fair to good. The text print of this Phaser 8400 is readable at 5 points or less for more than half of the fonts that was evaluated.

Talking about some drawbacks of this printer, its graphics edges and lines are too sharp. It also showed some kind of distortion in the graphic photos. One of the downsides of this printer is that it shows some poster type photos. If you desire the type of flawless quality for your photos, this machine is not for you. However, it offers exceptional text and color graphics. You can however absolutely depend on this machine. The Phaser 8400 can give you great quality prints at faster speeds that will leave its competitors in the dust.

When looking for replacement Xerox Phaser 8400 ink and toner, search online printer toner retailers for the best Xerox toner price.

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