Have Your Heard Of The Search Engine Topeka?

By now surely you have heard about the mayor of Topeka , Kansas and how he was changing the name of his city from Topeka to Google in honor of the internet giant. Well, since this moving gesture by the mayor of Topeka or Google as it is now known Google the internet search engine has been looking for a way to acknowledge this gesture and now they have landed on the perfect way to honor the mayor.

If you log onto Google, after 1 a.m. on April 1,2010 you will be looking at the logo Topeka, instead of Google. That’s right, Google has official changed its name to Topeka. This was a decision that was deliberated for some time, and careful consideration was given. While deciding on weather or not to go through with this Google, or should I say Topeka, researchers looked into the city and realized that the two had more in common then they ever thought.

At first they noticed that Topeka, Kansas spent a hundred and fifty years as the starting point for new exploration in the west, this is very similar to Google (Topeka) who has spent a hundred and fifty months as the starting point for business on the internet. Topeka, Kansas is a great place to dig up potatoes, where as Google is a great place to dig up any information you need, even information on potatoes.

A region rich in history and with Google’s historical presence as well, they felt that this collaboration brought Google and Topeka to similar points at times and felt a certain kinship with the region that could not be denied. Of course for Google this will mean giving up their name brand and the association that goes along with that brand recognition, however, they feel as if this change will be one that will benefit them in the long run.

And while you may for a short time believe that this is some sort of April Fools Joke, please understand that this is not a spoof but an actual change that is taking place. So Google Maps will now be Topeka Maps and Googlers will now be Topekians but all will still be business as usual for this search engine and no matter how you look at it essentially all that really matters is that searches will still be conducted with the same Google accuracy even if they will be under Topeka Inc. Well good luck Topeka as you make your way in the largest industry in the world. And to Google’s mayor.well bet you didn’t see this coming!

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