Convincing people in the legitimacy of an honest internet business is the number one challenge for every internet business. The internet is full of scam artist who take advantage of unknowing people. Just check your email and you’ll sure to find numerous scam letters on your SPAM folder. Unfortunately, most website owners fail to establish trust from their visitors. If you are selling a product, then you should make your visitors trust your claims. An honest internet business should benefit from these useful tips:
TIP No. 1: Be Accredited
There numerous websites that ensures that your website is scam-free. Their emblem on your website can pacify the fears of your visitors.
TIP No. 2: Have a Company Profile
Your visitors should know who you are and how you can help them. Some websites neglect this valuable information about their website. Most credible websites have company profile that includes their philosophy, objectives, and visions. These are basic elements of a business, whether online or offline.
TIP No.3: Provide Contact Information
Other than your email address, most customers appreciate the different ways to reach you. Most people tend to think that websites hide their identity by providing incomplete contact information. An honest internet business is not afraid to provide an office address and telephone number in their website.
TIP No. 4: Reach Your Customers other than email
It can be a simple phone call or a letter. It is important for people to hear a voice behind the claim. It helps them to visualize a real person behind the company.
TIP No. 5: Encourage Previous Clients to Post on Forums
Other than your website, another source that most people check out your internet business is through the forums. There are some internet businesses that even pay people to post on forums. Make sure that your presence is felt in the internet. Usually, a person would rely on other people in measuring your website. The more buzz you create in forums, the better it is for your website.
TIP No. 6: Give a Proof of Existence
If a website is an extension of your existing business outside the internet, then you won’t have a problem in providing a proof of existence. You can simply upload a copy of your business permit online. Better yet, provide pictures of your main office and the people working on it.
TIP No. 7: Establish Referral Programs
The word of mouth is an important source of advertisement for a new and honest internet business. Encourage people to refer other customers through reward programs. People might not instantly trust your internet business, but they can instantly trust the word of the people they know. You can build your credibility through other people.
TIP No. 8: Offering Free Trials or Money Back Guarantees
A free trial can provide your customers a risk free transaction from your internet business. It is one of the most utilized tools in the internet. Most websites offers a free trial for a certain period of time. Free trials were often used by websites that offer services. Usually, websites offer limited functionality on their services on their free trials.
You cannot expect people to instantly trust you. Just like in any relationship, trust is earned. In an online business, earning the trust of your potential customers might be difficult but it is not impossible. It can be done and most online businesses did it by offering pre-sales customer support. The only way to measure how trustworthy your website is to test your honest internet business online and ask for feedback.