How That Scam Works And How To Protect Yourself

The past several years have seen the rise of fake job offers. People who need a second job, or have been laid off, are the primary targets for this. However, in these cases you often are required to either give them a full resume or some starting money.

Don’t trust any company or job offer that asks you for money up front. No real, legitimate job will make you pay to apply for it. This manner of scam has cost a lot of people all of their money. Also be wary of jobs that come from overseas.

You will often see home envelope addressing job offers among the ones that can be fraudulent. These workers toil for hours for not that much money. For the most part, costly postage fees are required to even accept the work that they might not even get paid for.

Unfortunately, in today’s tough economic times, many people are desperate for employment. This has provided a wide open field for scam artists. In addition to the addressing envelopes at home advertisements, seeking people to construct various craft items is also common. When the opportunity to discuss potential employment on the phone arises, it is a good time to try to determine the authenticity of the offer, that’s why it is important to use telephone look up services such as in order to be able to verify the caller is really whom they say.

Make sure you guard your personal information as closely as possible when working with these people. Even though you can expect real companies to ask what employers you worked with before and your social security number, it’s also possible to experience identity theft through these outlets. Don’t give out information until you’re personally meeting with your employer, as that can prevent fraud.

Today, the internet is being used almost exclusively by most legitimate companies looking to hire. This has worked out well for scam artists, who can also use the net to post fake applications and things all to steal your information and/or money. A typical resume will include your name, address, phone number, and your ENTIRE work history. Even your work history can be used against you in the wrong hands.

Look for a unique company logo and legitimate data regarding a potential employer. Whoever is looking for online employment would do well to investigate the company that you work for, ensuring that it’s legitimate before you send out a resume.

If unemployed, or wishing to obtain a supplemental income through a second job, before answering any ad for employment it is imperative that the person or company offering the job be identified through various governmental agencies. Companies that are well-known and give addresses, phone numbers, etc. and are easily recognized. Despite this, all should be checked out. In today’s world it’s important that skepticism be the name of the game because recovering from scams like identity theft are nearly impossible.

To find out more about the reverse phone search service that can help you avoid becoming a victim visit

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