Importance Of Broadband For The Information Society

“Broadband networks are key to realizing the promise of a sector of information technologies and communication technologies (ICT) and convergent evolution,” said Kathleen Q. Abernathy, Commissioner Federal Communications Commission (FCC) of the United States and President 5. The Annual Global Symposium for Regulators of ITU, organized by the Office of Telecommunications Development (BDT) and held in geneva from 8 to 10 December 2004. It was emphasized how new wireless technologies – and others that still appear – could revolutionize the company and help reduce the gap in broadband and between countries.

However, this indicated that the effects of such technology could “be reduced or prove ephemeral if the regulatory framework in respect of licenses and imposing artificial barriers and disincentives to investment. It is therefore incumbent on regulators to adjust, alter or reform their regulatory codes, whenever possible, to eliminate unnecessary rules, which still have been adequate in the market from the traditional monopoly, they can cripple innovation and competition in a converged environment,

The consensus

In a new document entitled Guidelines on best practices to bring broadband connectivity to the Internet and low cost (see Guidelines on best practices) regulators can find solutions to involve all segments of society in the development of broadband. Under the chairmanship of Mrs. Abernathy reached a consensus on these guidelines. In this paper, 77 representatives of 106 agencies in developed and developing countries, expressed their common goal to create national regulatory frameworks that allow flexible competition among multiple service providers from the private sector interested in using various technology platforms and delivery options services.

The Symposium was attended by 350 participants, aware that the technologies of broadband network can allow companies worldwide to achieve greater connectivity and improve the ability to achieve the objectives of the information society as outlined in the Plan of Action adopted by 175 countries at the World Summit on the Information Society held in geneva in December 2003.

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