Have someone else do free marketing for you as a means of cutting internal costs while increasing your sales at the same time. Everyone now is in need of trimming their budget. The downside is that this can often hurt sales even more. It does not take much to see that this can become a downward spiral that no one wants to put their business in.
Offer up some interesting news about an upcoming event or topic for a relevant blog. This can be a wonderful way to inform others about yourself and your services without spending a dime. In doing this you will want to make sure that your business will be presented in positive way, and also to the appropriate audience. It will not do your business any favors to get free press to an audience that has no need for what you offer.
Free advertising can come from your local newspaper. You can write a brief article for them and make sure that your organization information is in your bio as the tag line. It is possible to negotiate a free business card sized ad in the paper as well. Though that may not work every time it still does no harm to try.
B2B offers many no cost opportunities for furthering your exposure. When you make agreements with other noncompeting companies in your area you are able to exchange favor for favor. This is very effective when you get two organizations offering services that complement each other. Movie theaters and restaurants are a good example of this. They do not compete, and they are in a position to be easily paired together.
This would hardly be much of an article on marketing without mentioning that social networking sites that are available. While running ads on them does cost money, creating a personal or business page on them does not cost anything. Add in some links and post them. It will be visible to anyone.
The best advertising is always the glowing kind that comes from your existing, satisfied customers. You can offer them incentives for their continued business in hopes of increasing the word of mouth from them. Offering a special discount for referring someone new is also effective.
Try the tax deductible route. Volunteering in your community, or donating services to an auction does not cost you any money. Your community will thank you, and you get free advertising for your initiatives. Donations are of course easier when you are dealing with services rather than goods.
Have someone else do free marketing for you. It does mean an investment of time and effort on your part. In the end you will have grown your business, and forged valuable business relationships as well. The community as a whole can benefit from these no cost solutions to increasing your company’s exposure.
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