Laser Barcode Readers

When most of us think of barcode scanners, regardless of the actual size or shape of the scanner, that little red laser beam always comes to mind. This little red laser beam is a vital part in the functionality of a barcode scanner.

Similar to pen-type scanners, laser scanners use virtually the same type of technology, but instead of swiping the scanner across a barcode, the scanner is just held in front of the barcode and it automatically registers. This is possible because of a tiny mirror that goes back and forth quickly or a little prism which rotates; both of these styles reflect the laser beam in a fast, forth and back motion, which means that the scanner itself doesn’t has to be moved across the barcode, instead it can stay in place, and the laser reads the barcode by itself.

Laser scanners also utilize a photodiode to measure the light waves that are reflected back into the scanner, and decode the waves into information that we can read. I would venture to say that laser scanners are the single-most common type of scanner out there, mind you that I am talking the technology, and not necessarily the housing, because the laser technology can be used in a variety of of differently shaped scanners.

Special care should be taken with laser scanners, especially the handheld type. One must always be careful to never shine the laser beam into someone’s eyes. When used by adults only in a work environment, this isn’t usually a problem. But if kids are around or involved, just be careful and let them know that the laser scanner is not to be played with.

Laser scanners are considered much more useful, especially in the retail market world. Just think of how time consuming and frustrating it would be to take your cart of groceries up to the checkout counter and have the clerk slowly take each item in hand and swipe the barcode with a pen-type scanner! Instead, with the use of laser technology, we can throw our items onto the conveyor belt and the clerk can virtually take the items and pass them over the glass and into our bags without even missing a beat.

Special Note: Supermarkets employ a slightly more sophisticated version of the basic laser scanner, but which still uses the same technology. Don’t forget that laser scanners come in handheld models as well, which are useful for bigger, heavier things, like furniture.

Everything you want to know about barcode scanners

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